A lot of people sell the genuine stamps in ebay. And there can be a good amount of income that one can get using that. I am sure that many people who have made money from something old they can sell it on ebay.
How many of you have managed to sell stamps on ebay?
I have sold brand new stamps on eBay. I used to be part of a survey company where I had to send random letters to other survey participants to test the delivery speed/quality of the UK postal service. They would reward me with stamps which I then sold. You can actually make a decent amount of money from it if you can get them at a low cost or for free
I have noticed that the amazon does not have much out. I think ebay can be a good option as it has a lot of stuff that is often resold over there. Stamps seems to be also getting you a good price too.
I never sold a stamp, there are many but to make big money you have to have the old and valuable ones in good condition or it is worthless for people who collect them.
I feel once we go totally digital we are going to be seeing a lot of stamp demand as things would be harder to get with the stamps option being removed from the market.
My husband is the one who does buy & sell on Ebay but we he hasn't sold any stamps. We haven't gotten into that business. For those who have, is it lucrative? Do you focus more on the buying or selling aspect?