Welcome - How to use CrafterCraze


Staff member
Welcome to Crafter Craze! This is a forum where all types of crafters can come together as a community and share information so that we can continue our crafting addictions.

You might have some questions on how to use this forum if you're new to message boards and I will gladly help you out with any questions you might have. This section of Site Information & Help is the place to ask questions about the site and you do that by clicking on New Topic, filling in the Subject with what you'd like to ask and then in the box below typing the body of your question. Hit Submit and it will be posted and waiting for my response. Please give me 24 hours to answer any questions.

When you're ready to post a photo, you will need to have a link to where your image is stored and there are some sites you can use for free such as imgur or Flickr. If you need assistance on how to upload to one of those sites and then get the link you need to use here please send me a Message here and I can give you detailed instructions. Posting your image involves using the image button at the top of your post. You click on that and inside the img tags you will click and paste the URL where your jpg or png of your image is stored.

New members are limited at first until they make a few posts on the site before their restrictions are limited. New Members do not have access to the Private Message system and can post questions in this area of the forum if they are in need of assistance.

You may add an Avatar to your profile and pay attention to the requirements for size or it will not let you upload your image.

Don't forget to update your settings for the site in the User Control Panel which can be found in the pull down next to your name in the upper right corner of the screen under the Search bar. We have two style settings to choose from located in Board Preferences.

If you have suggestions concerning the site then post in this forum and consideration will be given to your ideas.

Here is a quick YouTube video of how to upload an image using imgur and posting on a forum:

Here is a YouTube video of how to upload an image to Flickr: