DIY Jellyfish Costume


New member
Hi Everyone

Halloween is coming why not make your own Jellyfish Costume?


What you'll need:
Clear Umbrella
Hot glue gun
Assorted Ribbon in different widths colors and materials
1/2 yard of mesh fabric or tulle
Bubble wrap

DIY jellyfish costume instructions:

Step 1: Weave the meshy colored fabric loosely under and over the inside spokes of the umbrella and attach with hot glue in a few places to secure.


Step 2: Cut strips of ribbon to the your desired length depending on the height of the costume wearer. We cut ours to about 45” long and cut 33 pieces of ribbon.

Step 3: Cut strips of bubble wrap into different widths about the same length as the ribbon.

Step 4: Hot glue a thin edge of the ribbon or bubble wrap onto the inside edge of the umbrella.


Step 5: Repeat step 4, alternating the ribbons and bubble wrap so it is random.

Step 6: Hot glue a length of ribbon around the outside edge of the umbrella to cover up any sloppy edges of the ribbon underneath.


Sourced online from
Love these unique ideas! My very first thought was it reminded me of the Karate Kid outfit. Where Daniel wore the shower costume lol I can't tell, is it attached to the child or they have to hold it like an umbrella?